Computing Hub
Primary Courses
Below are the Primary courses we have scheduled currently.
Our schedule is frequently updated based upon local need. If your school or Trust are interested in a course or topic that is not listed, please get in touch.
Assessing computational thinking in primary schools
Mon, 02/12/2024, 16:00-17:30
This CPD includes easily applied, practical approaches to assessing the development of computational thinking. Developing these techniques will help you to gauge what is expected of learners as they progress through primary school. By supporting the development of key subject skills, you will ensure that children build on existing skills and knowledge, so they are equipped for the next stage of their education.
Literacy Via Primary Computing - Building Vocabulary and Embedding Literacy Skills
Tues 10/12/2024 15:45 - 17:15
The national curriculum states that teachers should develop pupils’ spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary as integral aspects of the teaching of every subject. This CPD will support you to do just this in computing. You will learn how to embed the teaching of vocabulary effectively throughout your computing curriculum and discover opportunities for building reading, writing, and spoken language into computing lessons.
Computing has lots of subject specific and technical vocabulary which is best taught in context. This CPD will help you demystify the technical terms by building your own confidence and understanding of this subject-specific vocabulary. You will also explore ways to teach this vocabulary to pupils to ensure a strong and accurate understanding that sticks.
You will also explore the many opportunities within the computing curriculum and computing lessons to build literacy skills. You will identify opportunities within computing to support reading, writing and spoken language and look at how these can be taught in a way which maximises learning in both subjects.
Getting Started In Year 5 - Short Course
Thurs 12/12/2024 12:30 - 15:30
This course provides a comprehensive look at how to teach computing in Year 5 using the Teach Computing Curriculum. You will be guided through the topics and skills taught at Year 5 and understand how they fit into the wider Teach Computing Curriculum. You will also have a go at many of the activities that you will teach your class and discuss the practicalities of running them in your setting. Designed for any teacher who would like the confidence to teach Year 5 computing effectively in their own classroom. You’ll take-away a full computing curriculum package ready-to-teach and will learn how to further develop your capability in this exciting and vital subject.
Getting Started In Year 6 - Short Course
Tues 17/12/2024 13:00 - 16:00
This course provides a comprehensive look at how to teach computing in Year 6 using the Teach Computing Curriculum. You will be guided through the topics and skills taught at Year 6 and understand how they fit into the wider Teach Computing Curriculum.
You will also have a go at many of the activities that you will teach your class and discuss the practicalities of running them in your setting. Designed for any teacher who would like the confidence to teach Year 6 computing effectively in their own classroom. You’ll take-away a full computing curriculum package ready-to-teach and will learn how to further develop your capability in this exciting and vital subject.
Algorithms and programming in key stage 1
Thurs 16/01/25 09:00 - 15:30
This CPD will deepen your understanding of algorithms and programming within the Key Stage 1 curriculum, providing you with the tools and knowledge to teach these concepts with confidence. Through unpicking the National Curriculum, you will better understand how programming is taught effectively in Key Stage One. You will develop a deeper understanding of computational thinking and the importance of understanding vocabulary related to programming.
Cardinal Hume Catholic School, Old Durham Road, Gateshead, NE9 6RZ
Adapting the Teach Computing Curriculum for Mixed-Year Classes - short course
Mon, 09/12/2024 12:30 - 14:00
A short course providing practical guidance on adapting the Teach Computing Curriculum to suit your own mixed-age setting.
The Teach Computing Curriculum is based on a learning progression from Year 1 through to Year 6, with content being organised into year groups. This spiral curriculum approach allows for skills to be revisited and built on each year, but can make organising the curriculum for mixed-age classes a challenge. During this CPD, you will explore the progression within the curriculum in detail, allowing you to make informed choices about structuring the Teach Computing curriculum to best support your own setting’s mixed-age structure. You will explore different methods of adapting the curriculum to find one which best suits your own setting and the mixed-year classes within in.
Supported by knowledgeable facilitators, you will receive practical advice about the possible ways to map Teach Computing to work with mixed-age classes and will have time to discuss the pros and cons of different approaches. This CPD also includes time to discuss approaches with other teachers in mixed-age settings, sharing good practice and working together to overcome the challenges teaching computing in mixed-year classes can pose.
Carers and Enrichment In Primary Computing with STEM Ambassadors - Short Course
Tues 10/12/2024 16:00 - 17:30
Children begin to make decisions about their future at an early age. This means it is crucial that children’s experience includes career-linked learning in computing as well as authentic experiences with a range of job roles. This helps to enable children to see the relevance of computing and may also help to and dispel any stereotypes that might limit their perceived choices.
In this short CPD session, you will explore evidence around children’s career aspirations. Considering approaches to ensure all children are aware of future opportunities linked to computing. You will find out how to engage with a STEM Ambassador, to support effective career-learning at primary. You will also explore enrichment opportunities, identifying how best to use them to engage a diverse range of learners.
Getting Started In Year 3 - Short Course
Mon 16/12/2024 12:00 - 15:00
This course provides a comprehensive look at how to teach computing in Year 3 using the Teach Computing Curriculum. You will be guided through the topics and skills taught at Year 3 and understand how they fit into the wider Teach Computing Curriculum. You will also have a go at many of the activities that you will teach your class and discuss the practicalities of running them in your setting. Designed for any teacher who would like the confidence to teach Year 3 computing effectively in their own classroom. You’ll take-away a full computing curriculum package ready-to-teach and will learn how to further develop your capability in this exciting and vital subject.
Assessing computational thinking in primary schools
Wed, 18/12/2024, 16:00-17:30
This CPD includes easily applied, practical approaches to assessing the development of computational thinking. Developing these techniques will help you to gauge what is expected of learners as they progress through primary school. By supporting the development of key subject skills, you will ensure that children build on existing skills and knowledge, so they are equipped for the next stage of their education.
Maths In Primary Computing
Tues 10/12/2024 15:45 - 17:15
This course will support you to develop an understanding of the links between maths and computing. Highlighting the overlap of subject knowledge and showing how to promote deeper connections in learning in both subjects.
You will investigate the strong parallels between computational thinking and mathematical reasoning, highlighting key concepts and skills that can be applied to both subject areas. It will also look at the common pedagogical approaches of the two subjects and what this looks like in the classroom.
You will also consider the cross curricular opportunities for these subjects, looking at practical applications for the programming and data and information areas of the computing curriculum.
This course will show how both subjects can be enriched, with tangible computing activities bringing abstract mathematical ideas to life, and secure maths understanding providing the foundations for computing skills.
Getting Started In Year 4
Wed 11/12/2024 13:00 - 16:00
This course provides a comprehensive look at how to teach computing in Year 4 using the Teach Computing Curriculum. You will be guided through the topics and skills taught at Year 4 and understand how they fit into the wider Teach Computing Curriculum.
You will also have a go at many of the activities that you will teach your class and discuss the practicalities of running them in your setting.
Designed for any teacher who would like the confidence to teach Year 4 computing effectively in their own classroom. You’ll take-away a full computing curriculum package ready-to-teach and will learn how to further develop your capability in this exciting and vital subject.
Maths In Primary Computing
Mon 16/12/2024 16:00 - 17:30
This course will support you to develop an understanding of the links between maths and computing. Highlighting the overlap of subject knowledge and showing how to promote deeper connections in learning in both subjects.
You will investigate the strong parallels between computational thinking and mathematical reasoning, highlighting key concepts and skills that can be applied to both subject areas. It will also look at the common pedagogical approaches of the two subjects and what this looks like in the classroom.
You will also consider the cross curricular opportunities for these subjects, looking at practical applications for the programming and data and information areas of the computing curriculum.
This course will show how both subjects can be enriched, with tangible computing activities bringing abstract mathematical ideas to life, and secure maths understanding providing the foundations for computing skills.
Introduction To Primary Computing - Remote
Wed 18/12/2024 09:00 - 15:30
Computing in primary schools is a practical, creative, and knowledge-rich subject. This course provides teachers with the knowledge and confidence to get started teaching computing in your school whether you’re an early career teacher, or would like to improve your understanding of how to teach computing.
This CPD helps teachers to understand the nature of computing in the curriculum; the breadth and depth of computer science, digital literacy and information technology including programming essentials using Scratch. You’ll gain hands-on experience in developing your teaching of different aspects of computing and will consider how to adapt activities for your classroom.